Car Parking Management Car Parking Management

Our award-winning parking management division operates more than 500 sites nationwide. A mix of attendant patrols, self-ticketing and camera-controlled parking is provided 24/7, 365 days a year.

District Enforcement is fast becoming one of the UK’s most trusted parking management providers. We are an accredited member of the International Parking Community (IPC) and our business is fully adapted to the changes imposed under the Single Code of Practice.

We serve local authorities, commercial landowners and private individuals, and our people work closely with Clients to maintain high quality levels and maintain our commitment to become the industry leader in operational best practice.

Clients include:

Our valued front-line officers are clearly recognisable, professional and act as ambassadors for District Enforcement and our Clients. The quality of their work is reflected in their issue and payment rates, forming a key component in Client relations and the improved perception of the industry.

Our focused admin team ensures that compliance with industry standards remains at the highest level, through quality assurance and peer review. Their strong communication skills reassure our Clients and Customers that we are delivering high performance on a consistent day to day basis.

We have found District Enforcement Ltd, to be very helpful and supportive when dealing with parking issues in the residential development that we manage.

They are very easy to contact and always respond promptly and provide helpful information."

Rupak - Admin Manager

We have found District Enforcement to be very professional and without them our garage area would have regularly unauthorised vehicles. The ease of reporting is also very convenient.”

Stephen Jones, Director, Childwall Green RTM Co Ltd

District Enforcement are a professional, reliable firm who endeavour to deliver the best bespoke service they can provide. I would highly recommend them.”

Jane Holleran, Director

The introduction of parking restrictions works well for us and has been well received by our customers who now find it much easier to park. District Enforcement are a professional, reliable firm who endeavour to deliver excellent customer service."

Julian Mills, Managing Director, Hooters Nottingham

To provide the most effective service, tailored to our Client’s specific needs, we continue to adopt new parking technologies, developments and services. Our current sites include:

  • Multi Storey, surface/basement and rooftop car parks
  • Railways Stations
  • Leisure Parks
  • Retail Parking Management
  • Pubs and Restaurants
  • Residential developments
  • Hotels
  • Healthcare
  • Education

We also enable landowners, commercial agents and investors to make convenient income from their vacant land.

More information

Parking control made easy

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras automate the monitoring of vehicles entering and leaving a parking facility. The data created is used to verify customers and permit holders and identify misuse of the car park.

The system is usually provided to the landowner at zero cost.

District Enforcement employs the latest ANPR technology (Mains or Solar) for parking management. This system operates day and night and in most weather conditions. We provide various ANPR systems which offer features such as exemption pads, Pay and Display, Pay by Phone and Pay on Foot.

Each system is supported by our sophisticated back office systems and managed on your behalf by a dedicated team, providing:

  • Site Survey
  • Installation and Setup
  • Sending Parking Charge Notices (PCN)
  • Landowner anonymity

We erect cameras at the entrance/exit to the car park and capture images of vehicles as they enter
and leave the car park. Our back office application confirms the number plate and reconciles
visitors against staff (exemption listed), customers (register upon visit) and other authorised
users of the car park.

You set the parking rules – we control the car park on your behalf.


Customers of an ANPR-enabled facility can make parking convenient by registering with AutoPay. Customer vehicles are recognised and charged automatically for the length of their stay, with no need to do anything on site.

Cost-effective parking revenue

Pay and Display is a flexible way to operate a parking facility, with payment made in advance, on the day or refunded subject to a minimum spend in a selected retail location.

District Enforcement provides a broad range of modern Pay and Display equipment to create tickets, audit facilities and compile data. Payment modes include cash, credit/debit card, phone, Apple and Android pay, smart card or value card. Machines are Solar or Mains powered.

Our service includes signage providing parking information, terms and conditions of use and tariff details. Should you require additional support, fully trained District Enforcement attendants can be provided to monitor and enforce parking through Parking Charge Notices (PCNs). A Pay and Display system may also be enhanced by the use of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology.

Handheld parking control

Snappark™ is our unique service that puts full control of your parking facilities in the palm of your hand.

We furnish your site with signage that meets the required legal specifications. You or your employees are then able to manage parking by taking photographs of vehicles which contravene the advertised contractual terms of use.

Simply upload the vehicle details and photographs to the District Enforcement web portal and we take care of the rest.

Statutory Charge Notices are provided directly to the registered keeper, and District Enforcement will enforce the charge and reimburse your administration fees for every ticket successfully enforced.

Direct control of your parking facility

Self Ticketing is a straightforward and cost-effective way to take full control of your parking facilities, while enjoying the benefits of our enforcement experience.

We furnish your site with signage that meets required legal specifications, and provide tickets, training and support on the issuing process itself. You or your employees carry out the issuing of a ticket, affixing them to any vehicle on your site which contravenes the advertised contractual parking terms.

Any tickets are then provided to us for enforcement – either over email, phone, post or simply by uploading the details through the District Enforcement web portal.

We will enforce the charge against the registered owner of the vehicle and reimburse your administration fees for every ticket successfully enforced.

Simple parking control.

We offer a broad range of payment equipment which enables the customer to pay for parking ‘on foot’ whilst on site. The two main ‘machine reading’ methods are magnetic stripe tickets and bar coded tickets.

Pay on Foot systems accept payment when a customer returns to their vehicle, compared to Pay and Display where parking is purchased in advance.

District Enforcement provides a range of modern equipment to create tickets, audit facilities and compile data. The most popular methods are magnetic stripe tickets and bar coded tickets, and payment can be accepted by cash, credit/debit card, phone or smart card. However, Pay on Foot systems may also be enhanced by ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology, or connected to a mobile application, meaning a ticket is not needed.

Parking can be purchased by the hour(s), day, week or month depending on your preference, and the system can support paying customers, permit holders, staff card holders and allow for special reductions when use in conjunction with validation readers.

Finally, Pay on Foot systems can be linked to Variable Message Signs (VMS) to ensure that up to date information is provided at all times.

Cashless parking control

Pay By Phone systems enable a customer to pay for parking using their credit/debit card by calling a dedicated phone line with the location of a parking facility and the time period they wish to purchase.

Customers can also be reminded by text message when their time is expiring, so that extended parking may be purchased without returning to their vehicle.

Payment can be taking on site or in advance, and parking transactions are available to view and print online.

This payment method removes the need for cash or display of parking receipts, and District Enforcement attendants can identify phone payments using their handheld devices. Pay By Phone systems can also be enhanced by ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology.

Hassle free control

Season Tickets save time, money and the inconvenience of having to queue for payment each day, as customers are able to purchase parking in advance at competitive rates.

Customers are issued with a Season Ticket card which is displayed in a vehicle’s windscreen, or a Virtual Season Ticket which needs nothing to be displayed. This removes the need for daily cash payments, and District Enforcement offers annual, six monthly, quarterly, monthly and weekly Season Tickets.

Season Ticket systems are tailored to the individual needs of our Clients to ensure that they and customers using the facility enjoy a trouble free parking service. Strict control is required especially when parking cards are issued for use with electronic access equipment.

Parking Permits

District Enforcement can also offer Parking Permit systems integrated with ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology or on-site enforcement staff. Customisable permit applications can be hosted online or provided as paper copies. Permits enable a streamlined parking process without lengthy permit verification or excess manual operations.

In-person control

Where your organisation or site structure does not allow for a locally appointed operative or the freedom of our self-ticketing service, District Enforcement can offer a patrol service. You may choose to use this on an informal ‘as and when’ basis or by contract for regular enforcement.

Our Attendant Patrol service can be provided when an organisation or site structure does not allow for locally appointed operatives or self-ticketing solutions. This service can be provided on an informal ‘as and when’ basis or by contract for regular enforcement.

District Enforcement operatives are trained above and beyond the standard required by our accredited trade association, the International Parking Community, and are sensitive to our Client’s needs to ensure a reliable, professional patrol service that provides peace of mind.

Street level control

On-Street Parking is usually controlled by Local Authorities. Under the Traffic Management Act 2004, all parking contraventions can be enforced by private contractors, acting on behalf of Local Authorities.

Modern Pay and Display or Pay by Phone systems have replaced outdated parking meters, and District Enforcement provides a variety of services including Civil Enforcement Officers issuing Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) to enforce contraventions.

Customer-focused control

Customer-focused parking facilities are a priority for Retail Parks and Shopping Centres, and our state of the art technology provides management solutions that enable you to take control of your site without detracting from the customer experience.

District Enforcement can support Retail Parking Management with live data and parking performance reports that give valuable insights into footfall, repeat visits and peak times.

Our Retail Parking Management solution includes:

  • Reporting
  • ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Technology
  • Monthly Reports
  • Bespoke Signage
  • Warden Patrols

Control for residents

Our range of effective and innovative Residential Parking Management solutions can remove the pain of unauthorised vehicles taking up valuable parking spaces and causing residents and tenants undue worry and stress.

District Enforcement provides the following services to many Tenancy Block Management companies around the UK:

  • Snappark™ for unique convenient parking management
  • Attendant Patrols to enforce parking conditions
  • Self Ticketing for simple parking control
  • SafeWatch for added security

Secure control

This is fundamentally combines a protected parking system with security for your development/property.

SafeWatch Active CCTV Monitoring combines a protected parking system with dedicated security for your development or property. Parking facilities can be actively monitored in real time and vehicle visits recorded.

Our SIA licenced CCTV operators are able to track driver and passenger movements once a vehicle parks in your facility. If driver or passengers do not enter an associated property, their movements are monitored. If individuals leave the parking facility the vehicle is monitored.

Reasonable movements are taken into account, such as official visits to nearby businesses, and this method has proven to be the most effective way of protecting developments/properties and reducing complaints by genuine visitors, care workers and tradesmen.

  • District Enforcement’s SafeWatch monitoring service can:
  • Reassure residents that their parking is protected
  • Excuse residents from the need to display a parking permit
  • Identify tradesmen, care workers and visitors
  • Help residents to feel safer
  • Reduce fly tipping
  • Reduce criminal activity
  • Reduce inconsiderate parking by residents who block other spaces

SafeWatch has provided a straightforward solution that protects parking areas successfully for many well-known Housing Associations and Management Companies around the UK.

Contact our team

For more detail on our services or arrange a no-obligation site survey contact us on 01785 336 780 or email

Alternatively, for a call back from one of our team, complete the form.